Celebrating the 2018 Global Kind Project!

Whether you are wrapping up #GKP18 or are just getting started, this celebration will look at the inspiring work of classrooms around the world during this project. We will also spend time with our special guest, award-winning author, Trudy Ludwig, whose many books explore themes you and your students took up during the Global Kind Project.

The celebration will be approximately 30 minutes, to help you fit it in during your busy day.

Please continue to share your photos, reflections, and ideas on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, using #GKP18 and we will highlight some during the celebration.


Our 2018 celebration will be held online, streaming live on this page. A recording will be available after the celebration.  

⬇️ Watch Here ⬇️




Share your pics, videos, and ideas using 





*Disclaimer: Before connecting with another classroom, be sure your school/district’s policies support videoconferencing or other means of classroom to classroom sharing of student work, likenesses, and/or other information. “The Educator Collaborative,” “Global Kind Project,” and related logos are trademarks of The Educator Collaborative, LLC. Resources for the Global Kind Project are curated by educators, The Educator Collaborative does not claim ownership of any specific resource unless explicitly stated, all resources are posted via links freely available online. If you are copyright owner of information contained within a third party link, please first contact that third party. By participating in the Global Kind Project, you agree to be solely responsible for the methods, means, and resources you select and employ, you agree to secure in advance any required permissions or waivers necessary for student involvement, you agree you will directly oversee any student involvement and ensure it meets all applicable district, local, and federal laws and regulations, including privacy and fair use, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless The Educator Collaborative, LLC, its members, managers, staff, and assignees from all claims arising from your involvement.

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