The Educator Collaborative is an Approved CTLE Sponsor for eligible* New York State certified Teachers, Level III Teaching Assistants, and Leaders.
New! Earn 4 Hours by Attending the Fall 2024 Gathering, online, on September 21.
Click to Learn More and Register.

In School Consulting + CTLE Hours
Schools can provide CTLE hours for staff members with every Literacy Consulting visit.
Working with a The Educator Collaborative Consultant this school year? Jump to “In-School CTLE Hours” registration at the bottom of this page.
Our literacy consulting is inspiring, research based, and classroom-proven. For every hour of assigned learning with one of our consultants, during your school day or beyond, one CTLE hour can be accrued.
For example: Educators generally study with our consultants for 1.5-2 hours, each visit. If the consultant provides an after school workshop, this could be 2-3 contact hours. Over the course of 10 visits, eligible staff members could earn between, on average, 5-20 CTLE hours across the year. Potential totals will vary based on the number of contracted consulting days, schedule, and attendance.
*Eligibility Requirements
Review these Eligibility Requirements which include required procedures and policies.
This packet describes Eligibility Requirements, Policies, and Procedures for all NYS Teachers, Level III Teaching Assistants, and Leaders who would like to earn CTLE hours with The Educator Collaborative for In-School Literacy Consulting. (Other opportunities to earn with us have their own, similar, version.) Please review fully and carefully before setting out to earn CTLE hours with us.
Does your school have a The Educator Collaborative Consultant? If yes, register below.
If not, share this information with your school leader and request Literacy Training from The Educator Collaborative.
Working with an In-School The Educator Collaborative Consultant?
Pleaese note: Registrations that do not meet the Eligibility Requirements will not earn CTLE hours and will be discarded.