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Kristine Paulson is currently serving as an Elementary Principal in her childhood elementary school in the suburbs of Chicago. In almost 20 years in education, Kristine has been a PK-8 Instructional Coach, taught K-3 in both urban and suburban school districts, and holds her National Board Certification in early childhood. Adult growth and learning is her current area of focus. She holds a Masters degree in Instructional Leadership, and is finishing her Administrative endorsement. Kristine’s passion is finding where literacy, inquiry, and knowledge building intersect with a student’s curiosity and life experiences. When schools make space for students to exist as their authentic selves and engage with relevant curriculum, literacy becomes a tool for joyful learning and powerful change. As a mom to three bright, inquisitive, and completely different daughters, Kristine knows first hand the joys and trials of nurturing the individual spirits of young children.