Gathering Workshop Proposal

Calling K-12 Literacy, ELA, and English Educators!
Present to global educators at our upcoming virtual literacy conference, TheEdCollab Gathering. Upcoming dates:
- April 13, 2024 – Spring 2024 Gathering. Keynotes: Samira Ahmed, bestselling Young Adult author; Dr. Tracey Flores and Dr. María Fránquiz coauthors of Cultivating Young Multilingual Writers.
- September 2024 – Fall Gathering – stay tuned for details.
Workshops are pre-recorded. Spring 2023 workshop recordings are due April 1.
Workshop Description and Terms
- Pre-recorded sessions are 40-45 minutes on one K-12 literacy related topic. You may present to K-12 or to a specific grade band (e.g. High School).
- Workshops are voluntary. (No payments or reimbursements are made.)
- Sessions ARE educators sharing practices and ideas. Session ARE NOT marketing or product demonstrations.
- Our Anti-Racist Policy on Session Representation: Panels of 3 or more presenters must include BIPOC speaker representation.
- We will broadcast live with Zoom. Sessions will be automatically recorded and will appear on our YouTube channel after broadcast. Sessions will stay archived on until the next gathering and our YouTube channel until taken down.
- Very important: Due to United States law and Google/Youtube’s strict copyright rules, you may not play audio, video, or show images or text that you do not own or that do not meet fair-use laws. You must accept our Terms and Conditions, including acknowledgment of copyright law, in order to submit a proposal. Google’s Copyright information page is helpful for understanding these rules.